Distance degree programs for Adults & Professionals.
Psychotherapy Online - Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor Ph.D. Degree.
Faculty of Psychology via distance learning

Psychotherapy via distance learning
This program is designed to teach future therapists how to listen to and intervene in psychological disorders from multiple perspectives and to support it using herbs, homeopathy, and flower remedies. Through the study and analysis of different theories, the student learn how to make multiple perspective- interpretations and to develop his/her own therapeutic approach. Natural psychotherapy does not rely on "quick psychiatric drug fix", it rather focuses on obtaining permanent results by integrating the neurophysiological and mental processes of the patient at a natural healing pace. This program, teaches students how to analyze a conflict, interpret the corresponding problem, and offer the best possible solution.
Academic Supervisor : Catherine Wanjiru Gachutha
More information about this academic supervisor at Bircham University Human Network. More info...
Psychotherapy Online via distance learning
Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor - Psychotherapy.
This module is applicable to Specialist, Expert, Bachelor's, Master's & Ph.D. (Doctor) Degree Programs. This academic program is designed at the postgraduate level (Master’s or Doctoral). This module may also be adapted to complete the course requirements of Specialist, Expert Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree. A further option is the enrollment into each of the courses listed within this specialization module. This module may be combined or completed with other modules from this faculty. For example: Addictive Behavior - Clinical Psychology - Cognitive Psychology - Counseling Psychology - Educational Psychology - Forensic Psychology - General Psychology - Gestalt Therapy - NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming - Organizational Psychology - Performance Psychology - Psychoanalysis - Sexology - Social Psychology - Transpersonal Psychology .
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Psychotherapy Online
Tuition Fee: 1.050 Euros (1.350 US$) ... 1.470 Euros (1.890 US$).
Specialist - Expert Diploma Online: 15 ... 21 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Psychotherapy via distance learning = 39 Academic credits - Select 5 courses for the online diploma of Specialist or 7 courses for the Expert Diploma from the total of courses from the specialization module.
Bachelor's Degree - Psychotherapy Online
Tuition Fee: Min. 3.510 Euros (4.420 US$) ... Max. 6.800 Euros (8.700 US$).
Bachelor's Degree Online: 130 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Psychotherapy via distance learning = 39 Academic credits + 60 credits in General Education (may be transferred from previous education and professional experience) + Additional courses may be selected from other modules in the Faculty of Psychology from Bircham International University if required. This selection must be approved by the Distance Learning University Education Board. For example: General Psychology.
Master's Degree - Psychotherapy Online
Tuition Fee: Min. 4.680 Euros (6.120 US$) ... Max. 7.020 Euros (9.180 US$).
Master's Degree Online: 36 ... 54 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Psychotherapy via distance learning = 39 Academic credits + Additional courses may be selected from other modules in the Faculty of Psychology from Bircham International University if required. This selection must be approved by the Distance Learning University Education Board. For example: General Psychology. + 13 Academic credits (Research methodology and final project or thesis. More info...).
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Psychotherapy Online
Tuition Fee: Min. 5.850 Euros (7.650 US$) ... Max. 9.360 Euros (12.240 US$).
Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online: 45 ... 72 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Psychotherapy via distance learning = 39 Academic credits + Additional courses may be selected from other modules in the Faculty of Psychology from Bircham International University if required. This selection must be approved by the Distance Learning University Education Board. For example: General Psychology. + 18 Academic credits (Research methodology and final project or thesis. More info...).
Payment plans are available upon request up to 36 monthly installments. More info...

BIU adapts each Distance Learning Higher Education degree program to the needs of each student. More info...
Psychotherapy Online
Courses list (each subject accounts for 3 academic credits):
1 BIU Earned Credit = 1 USA Semester Credit (15 hours of learning) = 2 ECTS Credits (30 hours of study).
You may study any subject as an independent online continuing education course. More info...
Human Body & Mind
This course examines the human being as an integrated physiological and psychological entity. It covers aspects of the human body's function, development, and care and explores the interaction between body and mind in physiological, clinical, and psychological terms. It also describes the interaction between the human body and mind and their environment and their evolution.
Academic Supervisor: Jean Mutabaruka
Causes of Mental Disorders
All functional "mental disorders" are fully understandable bio-social reactions to emotional conflict and stress. These reactions generally originate in and are perpetuated by how one deals with frustrating, perplexing, oppressive, dangerous, or destructive interpersonal and societal situations. This course explains how these reactions are not only caused by, but also can naturally lead to certain biochemical imbalances.
Academic Supervisor: Fernando Miralles
Developmental Psychology
This course covers all aspects of human development. After introducing the history and the systems of developmental psychology, it covers the biological bases of development, perceptual and motor development, cognitive development, communication and language development, social development, personality and emotional development, moral development and wisdom, motivation, and developmental psychopathology.
Academic Supervisor: Jean Mutabaruka
Psychology of Personality
This course provides a critical overview of personality theory, research, assessment, disorders, and therapy. It presents the current research on specific personality topics: personality units (motives, goals, traits, temperament, and cognition), social-environmental determinants of personality, personality development, personality assessment, self-concept and self-esteem, and cultural psychology of personality.
Academic Supervisor: Fernando Miralles
Mental Homeopathic Treatments
This course effectively covers all aspects of Homeopathy: philosophy, case taking, case analysis, case management, and Homeopathic Materia Medica studies with special emphasis on the treatment of mental and psychological disorders.
Academic Supervisor: Bibhuprasad Bhattacharyya
Emotional Homeopathic Treatments
This course effectively covers all aspects of Homeopathy: philosophy, case taking, case analysis, case management, and Homeopathic Materia Medica studies with special emphasis on the treatment of emotional conflicts and stress.
Academic Supervisor: Bibhuprasad Bhattacharyya
Flower Essences Therapy
Besides gaining a thorough knowledge of the flower essences themselves, the most important skill is communication with one's client and learning to appreciate the significant soul gestures that can be correlated with the adequate flower essence. This course provides the guidance on how to select archetypal flower essences remedies which are truly effective.
Academic Supervisor: Ruben Von Stopeck
Mental Biochemical Balance
This course discusses mental biochemical imbalances from a psychological rather than drug standpoint. Avoiding the usage of mind altering drugs prevents their serious side effects on feelings' suppression and brain function impairment.
Academic Supervisor: Fernando Miralles
Natural Psycho-Medication
Natural psychotherapy refers to the use of medication-free or natural medication such as herbs, homeopathy, and flower remedies for treatment purposes. This course discusses the effects that these can have on tranquilizing acute emotional distress in order for psychotherapy to succeed.
Academic Supervisor: Frances Chelos Lopez
Psychosomatic Therapy
This course suggests new definitions of health and illness. It focuses on how the psychosomatic interpretations of physical symptoms relate to emotional disorders and vice versa and how they play a role in our mental, emotional, and physical health. From a psychosomatic point of view, the individual is responsible for her/his own health.
Academic Supervisor: Frances Chelos Lopez
This course teaches people how to deal effectively with their inner conflicts and their misconceptions about themselves and others. It combines different therapeutical approaches with the use of herbs, homeopathy, and flower remedies. Psychotherapy focuses on long-term and permanent solutions.
Academic Supervisor: Catherine Wanjiru Gachutha
Psychotherapeutic Strategies
The course focuses on therapist-client dialogues and shows how each of the major counseling and psychotherapy theories can be applied to common psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, borderline disorders, and target patients- individual, couples, families, and groups.
Academic Supervisor: Catherine Wanjiru Gachutha
Therapeutic Practice
This course covers the basics of law and ethics as they apply to health and counseling-related practice. Informed consent, confidentiality, licensing laws, regulations and customs, and professional liability are considered.
Academic Supervisor: Frances Chelos Lopez
A distance learning university makes studying & working easy and compatible. More info...
Psychotherapy Online via distance learning
Recommended Professional References.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
Bircham International University graduates may join many professional associations. Membership requirements for each association may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume en each occasion. BIU can not guarantee membership in all instances. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures. Bircham International University provides a list of available memberships and professional references from each faculty where some BIU graduates may belong. Contact directly the ones you select. More info...
ABRAP - Associação Brasileira de Psicoterapia
ACP - Association of Child Psychotherapists
AEFDP - Asociación Española Para el Fomento y Desarrollo de la Psicoterapia
AEPP - Asociación Española de Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica
AFFOP - Association Fédérative Française des Psychothérapies Relationnelles et Psychanalyse
AFP-ACP - Association Française de Psychothérapie dans l'Approche Centrée sur la Personne
AFPPA - Association Française de Psychanalyse et de Psychothérapie Analytique
AGIP - Association for Group and Individual Psychotherapy
AGPA - American Group Psychotherapy Association
AIP - Association of Independent Psychotherapists
APA - American Psychotherapy Association
APEP - Association Psychanalyse et Psychothérapies Recherches Expérimentales
APHP - Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
APIH - Asociación de Psicoterapia Integradora Humanista
APPCPC - Associação Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Centrada na Pessoa e de Counselling
APPSI - Associação de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica
APSOS - Association de Praticiens en Psychothérapie pour un Soutien Social
ASGPP - American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama
BACP - British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
BCP - British Confederation of Psychotherapists
BPF - British Psychotherapy Foundation
EAIP - European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy
EAP - The European Association for Psychotherapy
EATA - European Association of Transactional Analysis
EFPP - European Federation for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy
FEAP - Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Psicoterapeutas
FEPP - Fédération Européenne Psychothérapeutes Psychanalystes
FFPP - Fédération Française de Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse
FFPPEA - Fédération Française de Psychothérapie Psychanalytique pour l’Enfant et l’Adolescent
FIP - Forum of Independent Psychotherapists
FLAPAG - Federación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Analítica de Grupos
FLAPSI - Federación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia
IACT - International Association of Counselors & Therapist
IAGP - International Association of Group Psychotherapy
IFP - International Federation for Psychotherapy
IFTA - International Family Therapy Association
ISEPP - International Society for Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy
ITAA - International Transactional Analysis Association
NLPTCA - Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy and Counselling Association
PV - Psychothérapie Vigilance
SEPTG - Sociedad Española de Psicoterapia y Técnicas de Grupo
SFPPG - Société Française de Psychothérapie Psychanalytique de Groupe
SNPPSY - Syndicat National des Practiciens en Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse
SP - Society of Psychotherapy
SPPC - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapias Construtivistas
SPR - Society for Psychotherapy Research
SPTB - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapias Breves
TFPC - The Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling
UKCP - UK Council of Psychotherapy
UKCP - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
USABP - United States Association for Body Psychotherapy
WAPCEPC - World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling
WCP - Word Council for Psychotherapy
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Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...
Admission requirements - Psychotherapy
Specialist - Expert Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Ph.D. Degree.
For official admission status at Bircham distance education university; you need to send in a filled out, dated, and signed official Application for Admission. You may download this application form from the website or request it by email or mail. Please send this application and enclosed documents to our address. You may also submit this application and attached documents by email in a PDF Format. More info...
Bircham International University issues an admission certificate after receiving your complete application for admission. This document will show the amount of credits transferred and validated from previous education and experience, and the amount of credits required to complete the distance learning degree program's major. Bircham University can not perform this evaluation without the complete application for admission. More info...
Click to Download... Application for Admission

BIU OFFICES - Distance Learning University - Contact ...
If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)
METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Distance Learning Higher Education
This distance learning education program is completed by a traditional correspondence instruction method. Once you sign up for the course, Bircham International University will send you (to your mailing address) the suggested textbooks. After reading the book, you will be asked to write a 20 to 35 pages report that reflect your understanding of the book. This report is equivalent to the exam and can be submitted by email or mail. Bircham International University will evaluate your written work. If passed, BIU will issue the corresponding diploma. For more instructions about BIU pedagogy, tutoring, and evaluation, please read our distance learning education study guide. More info...
Students enrolling into this distance education program should be aware that:
1. Location: Bircham International University needs a functional geographical location to ship the book and materials for successful completion of this program of study.
2. Communication: Email, courier, phone are key communication instruments with Bircham University that play an important role in the progress and support of this program of study.
3. Capacity: Any impediment, physical or psychological, to read a book and write a report must be communicated to Bircham International University prior to enrollment into this distance learning program.
4. Technology: No specific technology is required to complete this distance education program.
5. Language: Book reading and report writing in other language than English must be requested (and approved by BIU) prior to enrollment in any distance learning program.
6. Discrimination: There is no discrimination with respect to race, color, gender, beliefs or religion.
7. Age: Check the admission requirements for each distance education degree program. More info...
Duration - Psychotherapy Online via distance learning
For a program of 21 credits, the estimated time for completion is 21 weeks. For 45 credits, the estimated time for completion will be 45 weeks, and so on. Calculations are approximate. The length of each distance learning degree program is calculated based on an average of 15 hours of learning per week. It also depends on the number of validated credits from previous knowledge and the level of commitment to the studies. More info...
All information related to the distance learning degree programs is in English, although you may, upon request and approval, submit the required assignments in other languages.

Recognition - Psychotherapy Online via distance learning
Recognition - Distance degree programs - More info...
Accreditation - Distance Learning University - More info...
Degree Legalization - Graduate Services - More info...
Acceptance of these Distance Learning Higher Education academic credits is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution, or company policy, or country legal framework.
Faculty of Psychology via distance learning
Psychotherapy Online
Specialist - Expert Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Ph.D. Degree.