Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Diploma Online - Adult Degree Programs via distance learning.
Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor - Engineering & Technology.
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Online
Technology is in permanent evolution. There are flexible approaches inside the engineering and technology fields that can be properly studied with Bircham International University distance learning degree programs.
Technology is the engine of progress and engineering assembles its gears. Mankind has never known the levels of well-being and productive efficiency from which we benefit today. There seems to be no limit to what the technology can achieve. We peek inside the atoms we have stepped on the moon and we have solved even the smallest tasks of our jobs and homes. Life is more comfortable and easy thanks to technology. Engineering transforms ideas into useful and applicable realities. Engineering and technology are the pillars of progress.
There are usually no impediments for the professional practice of these disciplines at medium level technical posts, at managerial positions, or from a vocational point of view. Distance learning higher education is not the best option for research or high technology engineering positions that usually require traditionally accredited qualifications. A BIU distance learning degree program cannot offer signing capacity in engineering, architecture or scientific projects. Admission into these programs is restricted and limited to qualified candidates with demonstrated theoretical and technical knowledge in their fields of study due to the fact that many of the credits required in technology and engineering specializations cannot be provided effectively through distance learning higher education. A BIU distance learning degree program constitutes an effective way to complement a traditional technological background with innovative approaches and further specialization.
Faculty of Engineering & Technology via distance learning

Excellence, then is not an act but a habit. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
Electrical Engineering
Energy Engineering
Energy Science
Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering
Petroleum & Natural Gas Production
Petroleum Industry Management
Renewable Energies
Agricultural Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computation Engineering
Earthquake Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Energy Engineering
Engineering Economics
Engineering Science
Environmental Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Hydraulic Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Maintenance Engineering Management
Materials Science Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering
Military Engineering
Mining Engineering
Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering
Project Engineering Management
Social Engineering
Software Engineering
Structural Engineering
Telecommunication Engineering
Aeronautical Technology
Automotive Technology
Building Technology & Design
Educational Technology
Information Technology
Persuasive Technology
Process Instrumentation Technology
Robotics & Automation
Technological Management
Technological Science
A good education should teach HOW to think, rather than WHAT to think. More info...
Each distance learning degree program is entirely completed by correspondence. Curricula are designed to meet the needs of the adult student, without interfering significantly in his/her professional life. More info...
Bircham International University adapts each distance learning higher education degree program to the needs of each student and may also account previous education and some professional experience towards the distance learning degree program credit requirements. More info...
Upon enrollment and after fulfilling all requirements, BIU will prepare the distance learning degree program of study and will mail the corresponding textbooks to the address provided by the student (physical books - not online). The student will be required to write reports (and/ or theses) as a way of evaluating his/her distance learning higher education program progress and outcome. More info...
Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...
Professional Practice
Each profession develops its own entry requirements. Potential BIU students are advised to check, prior to enrollment, whether a Bircham International University distance learning degree is accepted at the professional practice they are seeking. Requirements for a particular profession vary widely among provinces, states, or countries. Some jobs require degrees recognized solely by a Ministry of Education; while others accept a diploma duly legalized or endorsed by a professional association.
ESW - Engineers for a Sustainable World
FEIGS - Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies
IACES - International Association of Civil Engineering Students
IAENG - International Association of Engineers
IEA - International Energy Agency
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IEEE PES - Power & Energy Society
IEEE RAS - Robotics and Automation Society
IEEE TEMS - Technology and Engineering Management Society
IFLA - International Federation of Landscape Architects
IFR - International Federation of Robotics
INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering
IOMMMS - International Union of Materials Research Societies
IRED - Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors
IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency
ISA - International Society of Automation
ISSMGE - International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
MSI - Materials Science International
UIA - Union Internationale des Architectes
WEC - World Energy Council
WFEO - World Federation of Engineering Organizations
More info...
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Online
Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor - Engineering & Technology.
- Aeronautical Technology
- Agricultural Engineering
- Architecture & Architectural Design
- Automotive Technology
- Biotechnology
- Building Technology & Design
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Domotics
- Earthquake Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Energy Science
- Engineering Science
- Environmental Engineering
- Ergonomics
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Landscape Architecture
- Maintenance Engineering Management
- Materials Science Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronic Engineering
- Military Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Occupational Safety & Health
- Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering
- Petroleum & Natural Gas Production
- Process Instrumentation Technology
- R & D Research & Development
- Renewable Energies
- Robotics & Automation
- Structural Engineering
- Sustainable Architecture
- Technological Management
- Technological Science
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Urban Planning & Design