Distance degree programs for Adults & Professionals.
Animal Studies & Research Online - Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor Ph.D. Degree.
Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences via distance learning

Animal Studies & Research via distance learning
This program provides a cross-disciplinary study of animals to understand how humans conceive of non-human animals, and how these conceptions have changed over time, across cultures, and across different ways of thinking. It explores human animal behavior and relations, the use of animals in agriculture for work, as part of our food chain, animals as companions, as trophies, as subjects of testing and research, as living entities with rights or without rights. It studies animals in the wild or in captivity, and their interactions with diverse ecosystems and situations
Academic Supervisor : José Luis Corona Lisboa
More information about this academic supervisor at Bircham University Human Network. More info...
Animal Studies & Research Online via distance learning
Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor - Animal Studies & Research.
This module is applicable to Specialist, Expert, Bachelor's, Master's & Ph.D. (Doctor) Degree Programs. This academic program is designed at the postgraduate level (Master’s or Doctoral). This module may also be adapted to complete the course requirements of Specialist, Expert Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree. A further option is the enrollment into each of the courses listed within this specialization module. This module may be combined or completed with other modules from this faculty. For example: Animal Assisted Therapy - Ethology - Farm Management - Human Animal Studies - Livestock & Animal Science - Zoology .
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Animal Studies & Research Online
Tuition Fee: 1.050 Euros (1.350 US$) ... 1.470 Euros (1.890 US$).
Specialist - Expert Diploma Online: 15 ... 21 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Animal Studies & Research via distance learning = 42 Academic credits - Select 5 courses for the online diploma of Specialist or 7 courses for the Expert Diploma from the total of courses from the specialization module.
Bachelor's Degree - Animal Studies & Research Online
Tuition Fee: Min. 3.510 Euros (4.420 US$) ... Max. 6.800 Euros (8.700 US$).
Bachelor's Degree Online: 130 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Animal Studies & Research via distance learning = 42 Academic credits + 60 credits in General Education (may be transferred from previous education and professional experience) + Additional courses may be selected from other modules in the Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences from Bircham International University if required. This selection must be approved by the Distance Learning University Education Board. For example: Livestock & Animal Science.
Master's Degree - Animal Studies & Research Online
Tuition Fee: Min. 4.680 Euros (6.120 US$) ... Max. 7.020 Euros (9.180 US$).
Master's Degree Online: 36 ... 54 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Animal Studies & Research via distance learning = 42 Academic credits + Additional courses may be selected from other modules in the Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences from Bircham International University if required. This selection must be approved by the Distance Learning University Education Board. For example: Livestock & Animal Science. + 13 Academic credits (Research methodology and final project or thesis. More info...).
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Animal Studies & Research Online
Tuition Fee: Min. 5.850 Euros (7.650 US$) ... Max. 9.360 Euros (12.240 US$).
Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online: 45 ... 72 Academic credits required for this distance learning degree program. More info...
Composition: Animal Studies & Research via distance learning = 42 Academic credits + Additional courses may be selected from other modules in the Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences from Bircham International University if required. This selection must be approved by the Distance Learning University Education Board. For example: Livestock & Animal Science. + 18 Academic credits (Research methodology and final project or thesis. More info...).
Payment plans are available upon request up to 36 monthly installments. More info...

BIU adapts each Distance Learning Higher Education degree program to the needs of each student. More info...
Animal Studies & Research Online
Courses list (each subject accounts for 3 academic credits):
1 BIU Earned Credit = 1 USA Semester Credit (15 hours of learning) = 2 ECTS Credits (30 hours of study).
You may study any subject as an independent online continuing education course. More info...
Animal Science
This course examines not only the traditional topics of animal science (major species, nutrition, digestion, feeds, genetics, reproduction, disease, and animal behavior) but also the dynamic nature of livestock engineering, and how livestock becomes a key resource to the well being and sustainability of man. It also discusses animal welfare and animal rights.
Academic Supervisor: José Luis Corona Lisboa
Animal Breeding
This course studies the reproductive process of animals with special emphasis on the application of recent techniques in solving reproductive problems associated with fertility and infertility. It considers the biometrical relationships among relatives, methods of estimating genetic parameters, application of crossbreeding systems, and livestock selection techniques. It explores reproductive programs applying techniques of artificial insemination and pregnancy evaluation in livestock.
Academic Supervisor: José Luis Corona Lisboa
Livestock Industry
This course presents today's modern livestock industry and the multifaceted issues it is facing. It explores various livestock production in rangeland environments and considers breeding, reproduction, nutrition, marketing, and distribution, as well as the techniques in live animal evaluation.
Academic Supervisor: José Luis Corona Lisboa
Diversity in Animals
This course presents the morphological, functional, and ecological diversity within the major phyla of animals. It surveys the ontogeny, function and behavior in a variety of species, and their interaction with the environment.
Academic Supervisor: José Luis Corona Lisboa
Animal Reproduction
This course deals with the reproductive mechanisms, environmental influences on reproductive endocrinology, physiology, behavior, and ecology of vertebrates. Discussions extend from organismal to cellular level and focus on the diversity of reproductive patterns among animals. It considers the effects of temperature, oxygen, and other environmental factors on the distribution and abundance of animals; as well as habitat selection, food strategies, and mating systems in the organization of reproduction.
Academic Supervisor: José Luis Corona Lisboa
Animal Behavior
This course covers animal behavior. It reviews the behavior of animals under natural conditions using both mechanistic and evolutionary approaches. Topics include ethology and behavioral endocrinology; behavioral genetics; learning; signaling, deceit, and animal consciousness; orientation, migration, and biological rhythms; optimization and game theory; parental investment and mating systems; selfishness, altruism, and reciprocity; and sociality in vertebrates and invertebrates.
Academic Supervisor: Vasiliki Protopapadaki
Domestic Animals
This course provides an understanding of domestic animals mainly horses, dogs, and cats. It explains their behavior, their instinctual reactions, their history in man's life; and gives insight into their interaction with their human mates. It examines the mechanisms and control of pet behavior in a domestic context. It also reviews the behavior of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and swine for their management.
Academic Supervisor: Annie Petersen
Animal Studies
This course of animal studies provides an interdisciplinary approach to the realities of nonhuman animals over time, across cultures, and across different ways of thinking, in order to understand the impact of humans on other animal species. Animals have been used in farms, as food resources, for hunting, for companion, for shows or scientific research.
Academic Supervisor: José Luis Corona Lisboa
Bird & Mammal Conservation
This course presents the principles associated with management of birds and mammals in the wild while emphasizing on the ecology and management of their habitats. It examines the theory and methods of sampling and analyzing population and habitat data, estimation of population size, survival, recruitment, and habitat selection.
Academic Supervisor: José Luis Corona Lisboa
Animal Human Bond
This course studies the psychosocial benefits of animal companionship. It explores the conceptualization of the animal-human bond and the understanding of animal assisted therapy. It considers the effect of animal companions for human well-being and health, and presents a historical exploration of the value of human-animal relationships.
Academic Supervisor: Annie Petersen
Human Animal Support Services
This course examines the history, theory, and development of human animal support services for elder people, disabled, and/or with chronic/terminal illnesses. It analyzes service animals and their roles in enhancing independence, quality of life, and employment for people with mental or physical disabilities, the therapeutic education through care of animals, and how to incorporate animals in psychotherapy.
Academic Supervisor: Annie Petersen
Animal Ethology
This course achieves a good balance between recent research and classic studies of animal behavior. It integrates both psychological and biological approaches and provides current information in the areas of animal learning and cognition, parasitism, and mutualism. It includes all phases in the scientific animal behavior investigation.
Academic Supervisor: Vasiliki Protopapadaki
Human Animal Studies
This course examines the complex and multidimensional relationships between humans and animals. Anthrozoology comprises work in several disciplines in the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences in order to analyze the positive effects of human-animal relationships on either party and the study of their interactions.
Academic Supervisor: Annie Petersen
Animal Research
This course of animal research deals with all aspects of animal testing and the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. On one hand, animal experiments produce such great benefits for humanity that it is morally acceptable to harm a few animals. On the other hand, the level of suffering and the number of animals involved are both so high that the benefits to humanity don't provide moral justification for animal research.
Academic Supervisor: Mohammad Athar
A distance learning university makes studying & working easy and compatible. More info...
Animal Studies & Research Online via distance learning
Recommended Professional References.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
Bircham International University graduates may join many professional associations. Membership requirements for each association may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume en each occasion. BIU can not guarantee membership in all instances. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures. Bircham International University provides a list of available memberships and professional references from each faculty where some BIU graduates may belong. Contact directly the ones you select. More info...
AASA - Australasian Animal Studies Association
AFAAR - American Fund for Alternatives to Animal Research
ASAS - American Society of Animal Science
ASI - Animals and Society Institute
BSAS - The British Society of Animal Science
EACAS - European Association for Critical Animal Studies
EARA - European Animal Research Association
EFAS - European Federation of Animal Science
FASS - Federation of Animal Science Societies
SBCAL - Sociedade Brasileira de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório
SPCAL - Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório
UEECA - Unión de Entidades Españolas de Ciencia Animal
WSPA - World Society For the Protection of Animals
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Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...
Admission requirements - Animal Studies & Research
Specialist - Expert Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Ph.D. Degree.
For official admission status at Bircham distance education university; you need to send in a filled out, dated, and signed official Application for Admission. You may download this application form from the website or request it by email or mail. Please send this application and enclosed documents to our address. You may also submit this application and attached documents by email in a PDF Format. More info...
Bircham International University issues an admission certificate after receiving your complete application for admission. This document will show the amount of credits transferred and validated from previous education and experience, and the amount of credits required to complete the distance learning degree program's major. Bircham University can not perform this evaluation without the complete application for admission. More info...
Click to Download... Application for Admission

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If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)
METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Distance Learning Higher Education
This distance learning education program is completed by a traditional correspondence instruction method. Once you sign up for the course, Bircham International University will send you (to your mailing address) the suggested textbooks. After reading the book, you will be asked to write a 20 to 35 pages report that reflect your understanding of the book. This report is equivalent to the exam and can be submitted by email or mail. Bircham International University will evaluate your written work. If passed, BIU will issue the corresponding diploma. For more instructions about BIU pedagogy, tutoring, and evaluation, please read our distance learning education study guide. More info...
Students enrolling into this distance education program should be aware that:
1. Location: Bircham International University needs a functional geographical location to ship the book and materials for successful completion of this program of study.
2. Communication: Email, courier, phone are key communication instruments with Bircham University that play an important role in the progress and support of this program of study.
3. Capacity: Any impediment, physical or psychological, to read a book and write a report must be communicated to Bircham International University prior to enrollment into this distance learning program.
4. Technology: No specific technology is required to complete this distance education program.
5. Language: Book reading and report writing in other language than English must be requested (and approved by BIU) prior to enrollment in any distance learning program.
6. Discrimination: There is no discrimination with respect to race, color, gender, beliefs or religion.
7. Age: Check the admission requirements for each distance education degree program. More info...
Duration - Animal Studies & Research Online via distance learning
For a program of 21 credits, the estimated time for completion is 21 weeks. For 45 credits, the estimated time for completion will be 45 weeks, and so on. Calculations are approximate. The length of each distance learning degree program is calculated based on an average of 15 hours of learning per week. It also depends on the number of validated credits from previous knowledge and the level of commitment to the studies. More info...
All information related to the distance learning degree programs is in English, although you may, upon request and approval, submit the required assignments in other languages.

Recognition - Animal Studies & Research Online via distance learning
Recognition - Distance degree programs - More info...
Accreditation - Distance Learning University - More info...
Degree Legalization - Graduate Services - More info...
Acceptance of these Distance Learning Higher Education academic credits is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution, or company policy, or country legal framework.
Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences via distance learning
Animal Studies & Research Online
Specialist - Expert Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Ph.D. Degree.